
Founded in 2012, PITrainingHQ.com is a business where people interested in the private investigation field can learn about the “business side” of running an agency. The PITrainingHQ.com website was originally designed exclusively for retiring law enforcement professionals preparing to enter the private sector. Today, PITrainingHQ.com has expanded and now allows other professionals with diverse backgrounds.

If you are considering starting a new business, or are currently licensed and exploring a new specialty, PITrainingHQ.com examines some of issues associated within the industry. Some of the components of the research include insight from retired and practicing investigators including:

  • business metrics
  • feasibility studies
  • marketing plans
  • industry trends
  • customer acquisition
  • customer retention

What PITrainingHQ.com is NOT:

PITrainingHQ.com is NOT the place on how to learn to properly conduct an investigation.  We are laser focused on the “business side” of agency management. 

PITrainingHQ.com is also NOT the place for people who are looking to make part-time income. Membership to our members only area is for approved clientele who are considering opening a new business or are currently licensed PI’s seeking to acquire new business.

Our primary focus is:

  • Conducting research and analysis to determine whether or not you should be in business at all
  • Once in business, how to properly attract customers to achieve your desired business goals
  • How to develop divestible business assets that have transferable value to potential acquirers
  • How to develop a business exit strategy and sell your investigation agency

Consulting requests are approved only if there is a qualified consultant in your area of expertise.  Not all specialties are available.

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